**Availability update: 2 dates left in 2025 Q1 and 8 days left in 2025 Q2
**Availability update: 2 dates left in 2025 Q1 and 8 days left in 2025 Q2
A fun and engaging Finance Workshop for non-accountants
A fun and engaging Finance Workshop for non-accountants
I have designed a one-day Finance Workshop specifically for managers which includes all the things a manager would need to know in order to carry out their duties effectively.
As well as explaining accounting concepts and theory in plain English, the workshop offers practical solutions to everyday finance problems that companies face today.
This workshop is for groups of people, normally from the same company, so why not get all your managers in a room for the day and I'll be happy to pop down to deliver this fun and engaging Finance Workshop for your company or organisation?
Having worked with hundreds of clients over the years, I have witnessed all too often companies leave the responsibility of looking after the finances to a small number of senior or finance staff.
Here's a thought: Wouldn't it be great if ALL your Managers were confident when reading a set of numbers and were able to make well rounded, commercially viable and financially sound decisions?
In an ever-changing and increasingly challenging economic climate, are you willing to be proactive by giving your managers the tools to be able to navigate the business through tough times?
Naeem is that rare thing - someone who can explain complicated finance concepts in a simple way to normal people - like me! His sense of humour and down to earth personality make him a great finance trainer. And of course he knows his stuff, he's a qualified accountant after all. So I would totally recommend him - not just to teach people about finance but to build up their confidence so they'll actually use what they've learned.
Chris Croft - Writer and Keynote Speaker, one of the UK's leading Trainers
Naeem Anwar Ltd
1 Castlemere Street, Rochdale, OL11 3SW. Company No. 11217554. Registered in England and Wales. VAT No. 288 7118 58